Acceptable Use Policy

Last updated on 13 March, 2024

If we find you in violation of our AUP, we can terminate your account at any time without your acknowledgment. You may wish to appeal by contacting our support.

What am I not allowed to sell?

Pandabase is designed exclusively for the sale of digital products, including software, subscriptions, and access. Therefore, it is strictly prohibited to sell physical products to anyone outside of the Pandabase platform. We uphold a zero-tolerance policy towards any violations. We reserve the right to remove any materials, suspend, or terminate your account or access to the services without notice if you engage in activities that contravene this acceptable use policy (AUP), including those outside the scope of your use of the services.

List of prohibited products

  • (i) Financial and professional services
  • (ii) Dating sites
  • (iii) Counterfeit goods
  • (iv) Illegal or age-restricted products
  • (v) Regulated products and services
  • (vi) Timeshares
  • (vii) Anything related to gambling
  • (viii) Government services
  • (ix) Identity services
  • (x) Anything related to NSFW (Not Safe For Work)
  • (xi) Financial and professional advice
  • (xii) IP Infringement, illegal products, and services
  • (xiii) Content for which you do not hold proper licenses or intellectual property rights
  • (xiv) Pharmacies, pharmaceuticals, or medical products
  • (xv) NFT (Non-Fungible Token) & Crypto-related products
  • (xvi) Multi-level marketing, pyramid, or IBO (Independent Business Owner) schemes
  • (xvii) IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) services
  • (xviii) Firearms, ammunition, explosives, or weapons
  • (xix) Recreational drugs, narcotics, or illegal substances
  • (xx) Stolen goods or items obtained through illegal means
  • (xxi) Endangered species, wildlife, or products derived from them
  • (xxii) Hazardous materials, toxic substances, or substances harmful to the environment
  • (xxiii) Hacking tools, software, or services

Along with this the following activies are prohibited

  • (i) Child exploitation
  • (ii) Harassment and threats
  • (iii) Hateful content
  • (iv) Illegal activities
  • (vi) Intellectual property
  • (vii) Malicious and deceptive practices
  • (viii) Personal, confidential, and protected health information
  • (ix) Self-harm
  • (ix) Spam
  • (xi) Terrorist organizations

You should not violate any policies of our payment partners.

  • (i) Stripe
  • (ii) PayPal
  • (iii) Coinbase